I am honored that Lisa over at http://www.lmdstampin.com/thought of me
Thank you Lisa
There are rules after receiving this reward:
Thank the person who sent it to you (done)
Tell Us 7 things about yourself (done)
Send/Reward this to 15 bloggers (done)
So here we go. 7 things about myself.
Thank the person who sent it to you (done)
Tell Us 7 things about yourself (done)
Send/Reward this to 15 bloggers (done)
So here we go. 7 things about myself.
1. My mom is by best friend
2. I've been married to a great guy for 27 years in September.
3. We have 3 grown kids - He came with 2, and me with 1(which he adopted).
4. We have 6 grand kids, ages 20 – 2 , 4 girls and 2 boys
5. My favorite colors are purple and lime green.
6. I am planning on retiring and become a SAH-Gma December 2012. Maybe sooner! On May 3rd I speak with a SURS retirement councilor. When I know the exact date I will let everyone know!
7. I am a gadget girl. I love new toys!
Now here are 15 blogs I want to pass this award onto
First of all, let me say this was hard to choose 15 from my followers. It sounds funny to say followers LOL –it’s cool I have followers! I just hope they don’t expect to much out of me! They all such super blogs and they all are inspiring me with their creativity. How does a person choose? Okay here it goes.
- Sherrie K. at http://sherriescraps.blogspot.com/
- Linda S. at http://smilin2.blogspot.com/
- Karen at http://kathiscreativetherapy.blogspot.com/
- Joann at http://craftywithjoann.blogspot.com/
- Ashley at http://welchcreations.blogspot.com/
- Diana at http://dianescrafting.blogspot.com/
- Smiley21 at http://bugalooscraproom.blogspot.com/
- Lu at http://www.craftingwithlu.blogspot.com/
- Sandy at http://www.papertransformer.com/
- Chloe at http://chloeandherclipons.blogspot.com/
- Kristin at http://www.scrappingmamahen.blogspot.com/
- Linda at http://www.lindaspinkcraftroom.com/
- Stacy at http://www.mycraftingtime.com/
- Karen at http://reflectionsofapaperaddict.blogspot.com/
- Carlene at http://www.misspinkcricut.blogspot.com/
Check out their blogs, you'll be glad you did and send them some love!
Back to work I go... Thanks for dropping in.
Back to work I go... Thanks for dropping in.

Thank you for being my very best friend!! Love you!
Thanks for the award!!
Wow thank you so much for thinking of me I will put this on my blog!!!!
congrats on the award... I've been sent by MOMO, isn't she fabulous. Love your blog. I'm now a new follower. Would love if you dropped by mine. www.canadiancraftcorner.blogspot.com
Thank you for this award!
Thanks for the Versatile Blogger award Bobbi. I have happily accepted it and forwarded it on to others. What a fun thing! Thanks again!!!
Thank you for the award. I loved reading the "things about you" It is so great to get to know other bloggers better. AND...you don't look old enough to have grandkids!
Thank you for the Award!
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