And I must say I LOVE it! It goes everywhere with me. My personal library on wheels. Here's an example of why it's so cool - I started reading this 5 book series Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning, and, last night I mean super late last night I finished the 2nd book Bloodfever. You would think that would be enough for one night, nope I could let it go. I needed more.. I didn't have to wait until morning, I didn't have to get dressed, and go out in the bitter cold to get the last 3 books. I had them downloaded and was reading Faefever with in seconds LOL, maybe not the smartest decision I made.. only because the boys were going to get up in less than 4 hours LOL -- now it's 3:30 in the afternoon, I am tired, and my living room may look like world war 3 was fought in it, toys are everywhere, but, have finished yet another chapter in Mac's life..
I managed to pull myself off the couch, and move on in to my playroom, telling myself I need to do something creative while the boys are lost in the war zone. I decided to go blogging.. and low and behold.. the girls at Opus did it again! a challenge just right up my alley.. Challenge #91 -- Well Read (Books, Books, Books)
this week they are asking to use the theme of Books -- LOL LOL and to let imaginations run wild, then share. I couldn't pass this up.... My Kindle:
Sorry girls I could resist. But as readers yourself I'm sure you understand.

You are so funny baby girl.. I wonder why you are waking around with red eyes!
You are a bad influence. Not only have I been tossing the idea of a digital reader around in my little pea brain, but I just got DARKFEVER. You make a very good argument for being able to download when I "NEED" the next book. AND on top of it all, your cover is RED. One of my favorite colors. A bad influence I tell you. LOL This is absolutely perfect for the OPUS GLUEI bookworms.
U are so you sister
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