Because, I am at work I will make this short and sweet.
I just had to tell you all about a fun blog idea I found at Made by Momo's blog.
She is doing a "Link Your Blog" for bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. She will be giving away prizes to lucky participants. Check it out, what a awesome way to discover new blogs, get inspired or just get distracted!
Back to work.......... Have a great week-end.

You have a real cute blog
I am now your new follower
Momo sent me
If you would like to visit me
Love your blog. I found your blog thru Momo. I'm a new follower. Hope you have a chance to visit my blog and become a follower of mine too.
Hi Bobbi :) I too found your blog through Momo's site and I think it's a fantastic idea! Your blog is just too stinkin' cute and I'm loving the products you're sharing w/ us :)
I would love it if you could stop by and visit me as well!!
Hugs from your newest follower,
Oh your blog is just so cute I have to follow :-) via Momo how fun!
Would be great if you vould visit my blog too :-)
Hi Bobbi thanks for joining me through Momo! I know about being easily distracted by blog surfing! Just think of what we could get done if we got of this silly thing! LOL
PS I've joined your blog too :)
Hey Bobbi, Thanks for stoping by my blog. This is really fun to find so many great blogs.I'm a new follower.
Your blog is so cute. Momo sent me here, and I'll definitely be back!
wow.. I need to run off to Momo and see what is going on..
Just wanted to let you know that I have an award waiting for you on my blog! Just jump on over there to pick it up!
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